Species Name: Eutrochium maculatum,
Eupatorium maculatum
Common Name: Spotted Joe Pye Weed
Zone: 3 to 6
Light: Full Sun to Light
Soil Moisture: Wet to Moist
to Medium
Soil Types: Sand, Loam,
Fertility: Average to Rich
pH: 5.0 to 7.0
Bloom Time: August to
Spotted Joe Pye is a large perennial reaching 6
to 8 ft tall.
Tall unbranched stems support large flat topped light purple flower
heads in late summer. The showy flower heads produce an abundance of nectar
that attracts large numbers of butterflies when in bloom. It is adapted to any
wet to moist soils typically found in swamps, flood plains, ditches and wet
meadows. Readily grows in any
average garden soil and can be planted as a large garden specimen or as a back
drop for lower growing plants.
Native to most states and Canadian
provinces it is an important native plant for wetlands. It spreads by rhizomes as well as from
seed. Often found in large stands.
A desirable plant for naturalizing and habitat enhancement.